Sunday, April 19, 2009

Boston Tea Party (Part 2)

Last Wednesday, Tax Day, many Americans took part in another tea party in a sense. We see America reverting back to its old tactics, when they don't like something...dress up as indians and have a tea party. I understand what they are trying to do here, and it is really cool. I see the symbolism in the old days back under British tryanny, and how they are comparing this day back to a time of complete taxation without representation. But in reality it is a bit of a stretch.

The other day I was watching the Daly show with Jon Stewart, and they went on to completely shut down this comparison. They had a British man out there asking various questions about if this compares to the days of British tryanny. Surprisingly almost all of the people answered yes! But immediately the British man would shoot down all thier comparisons in a very comical way. Although it was really funny, I am starting to think about how others view the Obama Administration, to think that someone could actually compare today to tryanny is just ridiculous, and although they are upset, they need to just stop complaining, and unite with the country to overcome this tough time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My 24 Realization

I have been watching the show 24 for the last four years. I love the plot twists, the action, the excitement, and it always turns out with America on top due to our top agent, Jack Bauer. I found myself thinking about the amazing episode last night, and I realized something. I realized that although it is a fake tv show, with nuclear and biohazard weapons, it also actually shows many problems we facing now in the real world.

One example, is the overall terrorist threat, that's an obvious one. But let's dig a little deeper into this. In the past seasons Jack has tortured many terrorists to give him answers so he can disarm bombs at the last second. That just seemed like part of his job as a viewer, but they opened up this season in a very interesting way. It was Jack in a court room, and was being prosecuted for his actions of torture in the past. This then opens up a whole new ball park, for now many of the viewers are thinking out of their point of views on torturing: Is Jack guilty or innocent. Is torture sick, and inhumane, or do the ends justify the means in that one tortured terrorist could save the lives of thousands of Americans.

Also, we are currently in our war unit, and we are trying to figure out what deserves to be called a war. In 24 we are shown many of the behind the scene looks on various operations on enemy, and domestic soil. Many times people are killed, and it makes me think, is this just a war, or an armed conflict. As I continue to enjoy this great show, I will keep looking for other instances for debate on issues we discuss in the real world.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is Blinding a Mouse Really Worth That Perfect Shade of Red?

In light of our unit assessment, I feel it is necessary to talk about the many cosmetic products in the past and present that tested their products on animals. For some reason humans have this sense of entitlement here that we can abuse other animals to perfect a product, make money, and satisfy a customer.

Animals are hurt during many processes at leading cosmetic industries, and the sad part is that many women who buy these products may not be cognizant that the company does test on animals. All animals, Cats, Dogs, Mice, Monkeys, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs are used for the testing of different products. Is it really necessary to blind a mouse to get that perfect shade of red? How greedy can we get. Some say it is necessary, in the sense that in hurting some animals they can reap the benefits in creating an awesome product that many women will buy.

I obviously don't wear make up, so I don't really care about how good a cover up is or whatever, but really it is something many people don't know about, and the general consumer needs to know now. But it isn't only in cosmetics, for many shampoo and soap companies practice the same; "Guinea pigs are used to test sunscreen products...Dogs are used for biomedical research where as cats are used for neurological research" ( I personally think it is ridiculous, and to think that they continue to do this today, even though it is becoming a much more controversial issue is stepping over the line.

Please read this article to learn more about how insane animal testing really is, and how devastating it can be.

Or type in animal testing pros and cons into google and it is the first link.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Is Oppression really a State of Mind

I was looking through any articles that might let me know if blacks still feel they are oppressed in modern America. Of course this is true, but one critique says that it is just a frame of mind that has stuck with them for so long.

It was written before the 2008 election, and they were talking about the minority vote, and how important it really is. They asked voters to evaluate each candidate, and ask themselves which of the two would help them the most with their oppression. But the other speaker came through to say that there indeed is no oppression and that it just a state of mind. He makes this clear when he claims; "being broke is not oppression". But in many ways it is. Do they get all the advantages that many whites get, the same schooling, the same learning environments to really thrive. The answer is no, and until the answer is yes, they are being oppressed.

So oppression still exists today, maybe not personally to many blacks, but certainly you can venture back to figure out why they are in a situation, and it is because they have been oppressed.

For the article type Karel Cureton into the google search bar, and it is the first link...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A New Generation of Bullying

Not too long ago, Megan Meier, a thirteen year old, committed suicide due to an online hoax from a neighborhood mom. Megan suffered from depression and attention deficit disorder, which may made her unstable. The daughter of the mom had been a former friend of Megan's, but when their relationship went down the drain, her mom was upset, and decided to retaliate in cyberspace. Cyber Bullying is something that has increased throughout the last decade, and is a very serious issue. It allows complete strangers to access things instantly, and makes it easy to trick people, and unfortunately the victim usually can be easily drawn in.

The Internet has been a very big progress in the tech world, but again it has its downsides. As I stated before it is very easy to attain information about people that initially would be unattainable. Look at Facebook, and Myspace for example. People can access pictures of you, and information like where you live at the click of a mouse. Yes, this can be an excellent way for you and your friends to communicate, and have fun. But in reality there are many creeps out there, and it makes it that much easier for them to target you. For example there is a show called Dateline NBC that will find those internet stalkers, and tell them to meet somewhere, and the amazing thing is that they actually do! They say nasty, and inappropriate things in their online chats, and you need to know that these people are out there.

Although this case with Megan Meier was different, in the sense that the woman who was bullying here actually knew her personnaly. It is still a very sad story, and although it is easy to blame the woman, we need to blame the internet for the suicide also.

Here is the Link for the Article:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Niagara Bust

Niagara Falls. Wonder of the world. Honeymoon destination. A must see before you die. But is it really, or have people romanticized the greatness of Niagara Falls?

I have always been told about Niagara Falls; it's beauty, and its uniqueness. It is really a very interesting place on earth, and I don't want to take away from that. But when you actually go there, the experience is actually not as great as it is said to be. Of course there is the actual Niagara Falls, but what happens after the five minutes you observe this wonder. "Ok, cool lots of flowing water, now to move on with my life". When you leave the waters side, you instantly notice that you are surrounded by thousands of tourists, and some of the world's tackiest souvenir shops. You may also be bumped as a smiling family moves in for a picture that will supposedly "last forever".

So even though Niagara Falls is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places on earth, it has been romanticized to the point where people percieve it as something better than it really is: a overcrowded, tacky, tourist site.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Teach Me How to Unplug

We as a modern world have been built around the technology that we possess. Businesses, Education, Sports, everything is about utilizing this advantage we have to get us quicker information and more entertainment.

Business today depends on the qualities of Blackberry phones and Email for quick communication. Education at New Trier uses Blackboard Academic Suite to update students with various homework and notes. Sports use the television along with the internet to satisfy even the most intense sports fans, and as good as this all seems I believe we are overwhelming ourselves with our technology.

I want to focus on the advancement of mobile technology. I see kids in the halls always hooked up to Ipods, and when out of school we are always on our cell phones. we never have down time, because we as a new generation of youth simply don't know how to. We never can find time to be alone because we are always reachable via text, and god forbid any of us ever turn are cell phones off.

It has been scientifically proven that ADD is being diagnosed more often now because of the constant need for entertainment. Also hearing loss is becoming more common due to the amount we use headphones. We don't know how to unplug ourselves, the second we get out of class, or are waiting at the bus stop we put our ear buds in. This simply gives us no time to do higher and superior thinking because our brains are always preoccupied with the music or the cell phones.

The fact that this technology is always reachable any time you want it is not progress because it doesn't let us explore our minds due to the fact that we get bored easily and want to be entertained.

Here is an article about how headphones are causing hearing loss

Highlight, right click, and click on "Search Google For..."